General conditions

Cancellation methods

In order to avoid unnecessary problems when ordering corporate events, courses andconferences, a set of industry topics has been prepared that can be used unless otherwise agreed

Confirmation and booking fee

For reasons of proof, a reservation should always be made either in the form of a written order followed by a written confirmation, or a confirmed reservation, by an oral order signed by both parties. Confirmation can be sent by mail.

Change in booking

Any cancellation or change in the originally placed order shall be made in writing and within the time limits set later (referred to later).

Reservation Fee

Upon receipt of written confirmation of the reservation, a reservation fee will be paid according to the nearest agreement. The fee will be deducted from the final settlement, but will not be refunded in case of cancellation.
Upon presentation of an invoice, it is possible to demand full payment immediately when ordering special services (office supplies, appliances, etc.).

Loss Limitation

The company is obliged at all times to seek a possible loss limited by renting out the ordered premises on the other side. If the company claims compensation for late cancellation, proof that the rental to another side has not taken place may be charged.


Strike, lock-out, no-fire, restrictions on deliveries or other extra-ordinary matters and measures beyond the control of the parties (force-majeure) warrant cancellation or cancellation without liability.

Cancellation of the company

In the event of cancellation or reassignment by the company, the customer may claim to be held indemnified for all the additional costs incurred by the customer.


If the guest wishes to advertise the event and raise a claim for reimbursement, the notification company must immediately and no later than 1 month after the event is or should have been held.

Corporate events: Confirmation

Any company arrangement should be confirmed in writing to the customer. The confirmation must contain a specific indication of the agreed menu and other services, the date and time of the event, the total price, the amount of the deposit and the reservation fee.

If the arrangement extends beyond the usual closing time (24 hours), the company may require separate payment for the costs incurred.

Cancellation 2 and 4 weeks before cancellation

Cancellation of corporate events of more than 12 persons must be made in writing within 4 weeks before the event, but for pre-company events of less than 12 persons only 2 weeks. For larger events, companies may request a longer cancellation period, provided that a separate agreement has been made.

Cancellation within 6 days before the event

In case of cancellation of the entire event or in the case of a reduction of more than 10% in the number of envelopes ordered after the above time, but within 6 days before the event, the company may claim a one-time refund equal to 50% of the price of the ordered envelopes, in case of a reduction in quantity, however, for the quantity cancelled in addition to 10%. In addition, the company may claim to be indemnified for the costs of special contractual services that cannot be cancelled (e.g. music, performances, etc.).

Cancellation later than 6 days prior to cancellation

In case of cancellation and any reduction in the number of envelopes ordered later than 6 days before the event, the company may claim reimbursement equal to 75% of all services.

No show and confirmation at courses and conferences

In case of no show, full price is payable for the entire event.Courses and conferences should be confirmed in writing. The confirmation must specify the length of stay and the extent of the facilities available.When staying overnight, indicate the number of rooms, the number of meals and other services. In addition, thetotal price per meeting participant, as well as the amount of the deposit and reservation fee.

List of names of participants

No later than 1 week before the event is held, the organiser must submit a list of names of the participants and, when staying overnight, the final distribution of the booked number of rooms. Simultaneous conference programme with indication of meals and other serving.

Scope of the service

The price offered is based on the number of days the conference will last according to the booking. Arrival after the start of the conference and departure before the end of the conference do not entitle to a reduction in the offer made unless specifically agreed and, unless otherwise agreed, the offer includes full board.

Cancellation within 6 weeks prior to cancellation

Cancellation of entire courses or conferences must be made in writing 6 weeks prior to the event. However, in the case of larger events, the company will be entitled to request a longer cancellation period, provided that a separate agreement has been reached.

Cancellation after 6 weeks prior to cancellation

In case of cancellation of entire courses or conferences after the above mentioned time, the company may claim a rebate equal to 65% of the price of the services ordered. However, full coverage may be required for services that cannot be cancelled.

Reduction in the number of participants no later than 3 weeks before

The number of participants can be reduced by up to 35% by written notification to the company no later than 3 weeks before the event. In case of reduction of more than 35%, the company can choose: 1. To consider the event cancelled and claim compensation of 65%. - 2. To complete the event with full payment for the number of guests that cannot be cancelled under this provision (more than 35%)

Reduction in number of participants later than 3 weeks before

For any reduction later than 3 weeks before the event, the company may choose: 1. To consider the event cancelled and claim compensation (65%). - 2. To demand full payment for any reduction.